Wednesday, 21 July 2010

Security worries about Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome, and Safari browsers

It has emerged that Internet Explorer, Firefox, Google Chrome and Safari users are all exposed to a serious security threat affecting all browsers.

Webmasters are repotedly able to extract highly sensitive information regarding a user upon visiting their site. This data includes full names, addresses, user preferences, location, stored passwords and even financial details.

Jeremiah Grossman, CTO of White Hat Security alleged that Apple had not responded to his many attempts to make them aware of the security problem.

More information can be seen here.

Monday, 19 July 2010

German man arrested after spying on schoolgirls

A man has been arrested in Germany after evidence was found indicating he had spied on approximately 150 young schoolgirls through webcams.

Some of the young girls affected began to notice their computer behaving erratically after a trojan was planted by the German man. It is believed that the malware was intentionally placed on the victims machines after he had communicated with the schoolgirls.

Several live feeds were found running when Police raided his home. This case is not unique and there have been many instances of such criminal activity recorded across Europe.

Tuesday, 6 July 2010

First eBay user prosecuted for artificially inflating prices

Paul Barratt, 39, was given 250 hours of community service and a £5,000 fine after he was found to be bidding on his own items.

Digital evidence investigators were able to confirm that he owned two different accounts, each containing the same contact details and IP address. He bidded on his own vehicles, mobile phones and cameras in order to instigate another bid and make higher profit.

This technique, also known as 'shill bidding', is deeply opposed by eBay. They welcomed the sentence and announced that £6 million was being spent every year to stop such activity.

Monday, 5 July 2010

ANPR review and regulations

Theresa May has expressed her concern for the lack of regulation concerning ANPR and its related databases.

The ANPR database holds approximately 7.6 billion records and is used for tracking uninsured or otherwise non-complying drivers. It has also been used to track vehicles in high order crime cases.

The following aspects will be taken into consideration:

• Establishing the lawful right to collect and retain ANPR data for policing

• Defining exactly how this information can be used for policing purposes

• Limiting by whom and for how long ANPR data can be stored

• Establishing who can have access to ANPR data and for what purposes

• Enabling the bulk transfer of data between agencies and between the private sector and the police for agreed purposes

• Making ANPR cameras transparent to the public, except when they're being used for covert surveillance

• Establishing a means of redress around the use of ANPR data

Thursday, 1 July 2010

Facebook prohibits unauthorised crawling

Facebook has made changes to its social networking site in order to stop crawling activity by unauthorised users.

The changes, introduced by modifying the Facebook robot.txt file including crawling data settings, specify that only certain search engines (such as Google and Microsoft's Bing) have authorised access to perform such activities.

Facebook attempted to sue Pete Warden, associate of after he used data crawling on Facebook to gather user information for the website. Following the legal case, Facebook decided to modify their current crawling settings in order to improve privacy and user safety.

They have insisted that they will grant crawling permission to any legitamite search outfits or sources provided that their reasons are appropriate. Written permission will be granted to all successful applications.

A blog post from Facebook CTO Bret Taylor can be found here regarding the subject.

Wednesday, 28 April 2010

Two Million Indecent Images and Videos Shared by Sex Offenders

The NSPCC have found that over two million indecent images were shared between 100 offenders convicted within the last 20 months.

Research also confirmed that approximately one in four offenders held a position of trust within the community. Such roles included teachers, Police officers, medical professionals and social workers.

An estimated 10% of the convicted had been in possession of indecent imagery for five or more years before being caught. One third of offenders had distributed indecent material online and one in six had abused or groomed a child.

Monday, 26 April 2010

Obscene Punlications Act used with Online Chat

An individual has been charged with nine offences under the Obscene Publications Act (1959) in relation to online chat material.

According to the law, any publications that "tend to deprave and corrupt persons who are likely ... to read, see or hear" the content are counted as an offence.

The individual has also been charged with two counts of making and four counts of possessing indecent material.

A Detective Sergeant from the Kent Police force insisted that the Law should be changed to cover the "legislative gap in terms of written fantasy material specifically about child rape and murder".

Friday, 23 April 2010

NHS hit by data stealing worm

A worm capable of transfering sensitive data to remote servers has infected over 1,100 computers in the NHS network.

The amount of stolen data is thought to be much more serious than just the four gigabytes of data researchers say the NHS has lost. The sensitive information contains browser cookies, logon and banking details.

Vulnerabilities in Microsoft's Internet Explorer and Apple Quicktime player have been cited as the root cause for the worm infestation.

See more details here.

Monday, 19 April 2010

UN Cybercrime Debate

A UN commitee cannot decide on a strategy for targeting and preventing cybercrime.

Some parties voiced that a new agreement must be created, whilst others thought it best to only modify the existing strategy.

More information can be found here.

Tuesday, 13 April 2010

SCD9 will fight obscene publications and related problems

Experts in several different fields have been brought together into one London unit named SCD9.

The aim of the unit is to tackle crime in areas such as trafficking, prostitiuion, violence, drugs and other relevant crimes. Approximately 39 officers with the necessary experience have been hired to work within the unit.

One area of the unit will also focus on obscene publications, extreme pornography and sharing of indecent images of children via the Internet. It is hoped that the research and work done in this part of the unit will cut down the overall problem of indecent imagery and related sex offences.

SCD9 has been criticised as being a waste of Police resouces and money. However, the Metropolitan Police are confident it will make a significant difference in the fight against crime.

Monday, 12 April 2010

800,000 affected by NHS 'computer error'

The NHS Blood and Transfusion service has today apologised for a computer error that lead to database records of over 800,000 people being misunderstood.

The database (used for storing details of organ donation) was found to contain incorrect information regarding the transplant wishes of those 800,000 people. Data had been imported from the DVLA and incorrectly processed so that some people had organs removed without personal consent and vice versa.

The NHS stressed that only 21 people had died with incorrect details on their records. In the instances that organs were removed, family members gave their permission to carry the proceedure out.

The technical error that is thought to have caused the problems affects only those who registered preferences on a driving license application form.

Friday, 9 April 2010

Battle between Facebook and CEOP continues

Another verbal attack was made towards online social network Facebook by Jim Gamble of CEOP today. In a briefing with reports, he accused Facebook of being 'arrogant' and questioned their interests in collective child protection.

The disagreement between Facebook and CEOP has continued for months and has developed over the placement of a panic button on the site. The CEOP panic button allows any young social network users to make a complaint about a certain user or users should they feel uncomfortable, threatened or scared as a result of negative behaviour. Such behaviour can involve bullying, insults, general threats or the unwanted attention of a potential sex offender.

Facebook insists that the website has its own reporting system in operation and that the CEOP panic button does not offer any advantage to the social networking site. As a result, they refuse to have the CEOP branded button on Facebook.

In relation to sex offences, the question must be asked whether a panic button is really the solution to online predators posing as younger men attractive to younger females. Some would argue that general lack of awareness and naivity on a childs part would make them trusting of an offender, and that they therefore wouldn't use the button to report grooming or other indecent behaviour.

Facebook and CEOP will meet during 12th April in an attempt to discuss and resolve the situation.

Thursday, 8 April 2010

70 eBay Scammers Arrested

70 people in Romania were arrested yesterday following Police investigations into Ebay scams that left approximately 800 victims worldwide without the luxury items they had bidded for.

The expensive items auctioned by the scammers (a group thought to consist of people from three seperate gangs) included cars, motorbikes, rolex watches and recreational aircraft. A total amount of €800,000 was handed over to the gang members by bidders and no items were exchanged after the transaction took place.

An investigation by the Romanian Directorate for Investigating Organised Crime and Terrorism (DIICOT) tracked down the men and used 101 search warrants to collect numerous laptops, computing devices and thousands of euros from several different properties.

Tuesday, 6 April 2010

Coroners and Justice Act 2009

A new act comes into force today making the possession of indecent animation and cartoons illegal.

Sections 62 to 69 under the Coroners and Justice Act 2009 have been introduced after complaints from high tech crime units and other child protection agencies across the UK. It has been found that many sex offenders are downloading and searching for indecent animation because it was not strictly illegal to do so. This meant that in some cases, cartoon images were returned to the owner after an investigation had been conducted.

However, the new legislation specifies that it will be an offence to possess an image of a child where the image shows the following:

- 'an image of an imaginary person'

- 'an image of an imaginary child'

- 'the impression conveyed by the image is that the person shown is a child'

- 'the predominant impression conveyed is that the person shown is a child despite the fact that some of the physical characteristics shown are not those of a child'

- 'a person under the age of 18'

Prosecution under the act can lead to three years imprisonment or a fine.

Monday, 5 April 2010

30 Year Computer Ban too long for Sex Offender?

A federal appeals Court in Washington has ruled that a 30 year computer ban was too harsh in one sex offenders case.

Mark Wayne Russell from Columbia was imprisoned following a Police operation designed to catch sex offenders in 2006. Following release, he was forbidden to use or access a computer for thirty years - a decision which he proceeded to challenge with his lawyer.

The three-judge panel and prosecutors agreed that the decision was too harsh based on the grounds that it could not be changed over such a long period of time. Another factor in the controversial decision was the online job application process. By not having use or access to a computer, it was found that Mr. Russell would not have the best chance at securing a job.

ANPR databases

It has been revealed that an ANPR (Automatic Number Plate Recognition) database is storing driver details and images for up to two years.

The cameras feeding detailed information to the database held in Hendon, North London, have been placed in various locations across the nation and are linked to 10,000 CCTV devices. It is suspected that between 10 and 14 million details and images are being captured and stored every day, all without drivers knowledge or permission.

The civil rights group, Liberty, have threatened Police chiefs with High Court privacy action following the revelation and are looking for other drivers with similar objections. They also insist that use of ANPR has expanded dramatically in the last 18 months.

For more information, click here.

Thursday, 1 April 2010

Strategy for Cybercrime

A new strategy for fighting cyber crime has been released by the Office for Cyber Security.

The strategy outlines five primary objectives as follows:

Co-ordination to tackle cyber crime across Government - A need for improvement upon existing efforts of fighting cyber crime in general.

Provision of an effective law enforcement response - Enhancing operating and intelligence facilities for all law enforcement responding to cyber crime is also a priority. The development aims to be achieved through the use of 'accurate reporting systems'.

Raise public confidence - More work will be conducted in association with Child Exploitation and Online Protection (CEOP) and Get Safe Online.

Work with industry - It is hoped that more work with the private sector will prove beneficial.

Work internationally - A strong effort will be made to maintain and improve relationships between international law enforcement agencies. As a result, more children should be safe when online.

The strategy was published by Mr. Alan Campbell during 30th March and can be found here.